Out of 1 250 000 000
people in India only 34 000 000, or less than 5 %, income tax. The
lower limit for paying tax at all is at 180 000 or 1,8 L rs för the annual
income and many earn as little as 60 000 a year. 67 % of the adults are
working in the agriculture sector, along with many of their children. No one
pays income tax for work in the fields. Most people employed in India get payed
by money in the hand and by that they don’t exist in any kind of salary
This means
that no employer tells the governments that they have employed persons. With
the believe in rebirth into next life this give you that one has to have done
something very bad in the passed life to be serving as a tax official.
taxation for employee and pensions for cash paid personal is rare. No one is
stupid by running a company in India.
All who
actually pay tax, also pay an extra 3 % for the free education since 2010. All
children in India can go free to school for eight years with free books and
materials and school lunch and even a free school uniform. But only if
they come to school.
India has a
long road to go. Or you can look at it in the other direction, like the
staffing agencies in Europe look at it: India is the heaven for employers. They
can do whatever they like and don’t have to care about responsibilities. Some
workers here would be having it better as per definition to be slaves.
If you need
a hole in the ground, you hire three persons to dig and a lot of others to
carry away the filling material in baskets on their heads and by refilling they
come back again. You can also provoke the locals by calling for a machine to
get it done much quicker. BUT AMAZINGLY TO OFTEN A HIGHER COST! Many working
situations does not exist any longer in Europe.
simpler employees would never exist in Europe. They would be replaced by more
qualified personal to get the double of the salaries. In India, you often come
into an office crowded with personal, but with no sign of activity towards ay
costumers. The manager would as good off with only one employed to get the job
done and still be able to point in the way they do it here. This system is
built up by extremely low salaries. Sometimes as low as 9 000 SEK or a bit
more than 1 000 USD for their annual work.
And no taxes for most employees
or any insurances.
The other
week a welder died at the road work at Panjim. The workers argued that it
happened because of lack of protection. I see mad solutions there all the time,
so it can be right. Everything is done by the police. If the investigation
shows that the constructing company is responsible, there will be prison for
some persons. The law is hard in India. But with no insurances, which normally
is the case, the company just go bankrupt.
Others are
out work and seek as destitute, or on the boarder to it, for anything that
gives them some rupees. Many women walk along the streets passing the shops and
ask the owners for some coin for brushing outside the shop. As charity, they
often get the one rupee coin.
All this go
for basic work. Specialist workers and high educated arrange for themselves in
Indi too. Indi also have less and less need for their 500 000 examined
form the universities and High Schools. India is educating for the Western
countries, and sometimes for East.
The money
payed for the income is limited on the top to 30 % in a four-step model: 0 %,
10 %, 20 % and 30 %.
Some years ago,
they introduced VAT in India. From the 1st of April, this year it is
planned to work all over India. Those who survive have to pay, but you never
know with India. Goa is among the states that already have 14,5 % VAT, but far
from on everything. VAT is thought of replacing the complicated systems of
transport taxes. But VAT incomes will only work good with digital sale.
All cash
sale will be very hard to put VAT on. In reality this will go for most the sale
here, so far. If you rewind everything in Sweden, we were there too in the
1950-ties. If India develop in that speed, they will be ready in 2090. For the
sake of the Indian children, we must hope for faster work.
Some VAT
will the Indian be forced to pay to Modi. The money is supposed to be both
central and stately used.
The best
money for development of the towns of India comes from the estate tax, if it is
payed to the right pockets. Everyone hide what they can and registration and
reporting of the estate tax is not fulfilled. There is also in theory a special
tax for higher possessions.
No one can
see any sexy about paying tax here in India.
desperately need the cashless society and salaries payed to accounts,
controlled from tax declarations from the employers. If the society will be
able to protect workers hurt in their work, it is done through insurances, not so
much police investigations. Build your society on the knowledge from other
countries, India!
government has started to move in the right direction.
pays his high taxes gladly, but not here in Goa.
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