onsdag 18 januari 2017

To cooperate or to part

India, today, have 29 States. Quite a few of them have their origin in parting from bigger states. The tendency is all the time that groups find themselves disadvantaged and because of that, they want a government of their own. This go for the parties as well. A couple of hundreds of different parties since 1947. Coalitions and parting to the right and to the left.

The political heritage from Mahatma Gandhi and Nero is great och many thoughts go for making India a more equal society. But to base politics on the cult of personals has never been a good idea for a long time, no matter if that person was Josef Stalin or someone else. Let the political ideas rule and to continuously be evaluated, not in the first place the persons responsible for failures. When we better know why we failed, it is time to look at the human factors too. But the very best way to do it is to always have special people to work on the continuously development of the projects.

Today the Congress Party of Gandhi with 44 mandates in the latest election is almost wiped out. This is an obvious result of letting a party falter and tottle in all directions, when it was in the hands of some strong personality. Especially with personal economic benefits in the game.

Basically, it is easy. The system of the casts is illegal since 1947 and all have the same value. One people, on law. In reality, there are all kinds of special interests and everybody talks, like the casts are still there. Even the courts. 

With 325 different languages and the largest set of different way of writing in the world, there are of course a lot of problems to keep all together. It would be interesting to know, if anyone has tried to calculate what all the languages have cost India yearly. Many of the languages are of course not threaten, they are spoken by so many people. But many smaller folk groups have an endangered culture. 

Please compare to little Sweden’s march into a bilingual situation with Swedish and English, although some other minor languages exist in the country.

India has a basic problem in the fact that it only in theory has a common language. English ought to be talked by everyone, and so for writing and reading. That would make India a more democratic country. This is in the reach through TV and the children, if the political parties they their responsibility.

Religious thoughts and values are not to rule the politics of India. But would be odd if it didn’t influence that part of India, too. Everything else is ruled by the religions in India. But compared to other areas, I see very little intolerance, when it comes to religions. In the same family and even in their marriages, you have different religions and copy with that without any problems so far, I can see.

Personally, I have a religious believe that every human being is personally responsible to act for the society and your own wellbeing. I sometimes find it hard to copy with the prayers as an instrument of getting something done. As long God is answering, you have start the work yourself, everything is all right with me.

The religious intolerance in the politics is more ethnic och connected to different groups actual living situations. For your personal life, you can believe in any god and have any rituals you like.

Indians are very keen on to get forward and get a better personal positon. They use their horns. Nothing comes out of that. Towns that plan for one way traffic succeed where the horns didn’t. In the end, it will not help, as the number of vehicles rise all the time.

The sellers in the street are frustrated of waiting 14 hours or more in a day for a few customers. They start to shout after you all the time, to make you buy something. It is disturbing and does not work out well. Instead the sellers need to realize which of all passing, could potentially be buyers and start to treat them in the right manner. They are the winners. But most Indian sellers treat all people passing alike. This only is ruin for their business. A deal is a way of an agreement. If both parts are happy, you have deal. If not, it’s a bad deal or no deal. You can sell the bottle of water at a higher price once, but then you miss the daily income of that persons buying of water. A bad deal.

Most of the alliances in the times of elections, and also otherwise, seems to be to get the best representation. I miss the political the questions and goals. The victories of prime minister Modi in India, is actually build on the obvious goals that he points out and what he is getting credit for. He has a majority of his own, but seeks broadest possible support all the time.

Every time they didn’t agree and instead decided to part, they always looked for a solution for the population of their own. 

Thinking of the whole problem, what will be the consequences for the others? To part is always to lose something too.

Goa the 18th of January 2017

Lennart Warenius

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