I save the best to last in Hampi. The royal areas are imposing, but sadly much destroyed. The Vitthalatemple is both more weelknown and even more imposing. Details must be seen directly. I borrowed a panorama picture from a Wikipedia site to give you the best view.
You will find other pictures I never took at https://www.google.co.in/search?q=vittala+temple+hampi+wikipedia&biw=1299&bih=702&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjx6duivubRAhUJQY8KHYA-CVwQ7AkIdg
Like in Jaipur we are transported with small electrical buses up to the area.
These signs are common by the entrences of all kind of temples in Hampi. They tell you how to behave in coming into the temple and at altars. Down on your knees or lower.
The tourists never let the wheels, so now they made unturnable.
The playing temple has pillars that give you different tones if hit light.
The area has a system for water and waste water and emptys altars into channels.
Many old Magnolian trees grow on the hard ground. They are from the Brittish period.
Closer picture of the playing pillars!
My excellent guide with sometimes an English hard to understand.
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