The fifth myth: Pupils
with good and cheap calculators have no need for mental arithmetic.
5 Miniräknaren
ger bara en uträkning av vad som har matats in på den. Den lär eleven ingenting
om räkning, mer än på mycket låg nivå.
Nowadays you
often meet math teachers in school, who believe that the pupils can make math
without mental arithmetic. The pupils have the calculators.
research often stay out of easy project, like showing the effect of bad or even
worse skills in mental arithmetic.
You can
easily divide the pupils into two groups. The first group is all the children
that are going to have difficulties with math early and also have a bad self-image
for their results. This group has low results on speed tests in mental
arithmetic. The result is black and white. No chance to misunderstand and with
no need of calculating any significance result.
I will below
try to explain how it works and also how the school sometimes do wrong. But
also, how you as a parent easily can help.
I will also
tell you about the automatic processes in your brain and the subconscious work
in it and how this goes with the pupils learning of math.
Building Math knowledge and math skills is like
building a house. Basic knowledge of things like numbers, quantity and ordinals
and the understanding of the position system are using mental arithmetic as
concrete and then we build further with logic. We can build up to any height.
But if the ground is bad prepared, the house will soon fall down.
We give children very different opportunities when
they grow up talking about learning counting. Some talk about talent. I have never seen any proof of
that. But my observations made it very clear for me that all
children have the resources for learning counting. Even children with Down syndrome and
their likes.
All children are born with simple ways of observing
the change of one item for two of the kind, and maybe more than that.
Through the use of language and communication around
the baby, they notice quantity “look, two cars” or order “This is the second
time today”.
When later the baby starts more active to take part in
communications these knowledge is getting stronger. Quite early we have
communication with quantity.
If the family is child oriented, will storytelling,
rhymes and songs every day deliver knowledge with counting. If the parents also
use movements with the body by rhyming and singing, learning is even faster.
The chance to take part of activities is also unfair
distributed between children. In a children friendly family, the child can
always take part on their own conditions. Hereby they learn a lot of basic math
quite early. Other children are told to go out and play and not to be
Games in many forms train math much better than
beginners’ math books, the kinds that are used in the schools. But it of course
matters what games they play. They include many different forms of counting and
train very different.
Please compare the use of computer game, where you are
supposed to shoot down soldiers or monsters with a card game, where points are
to be counted together and compared.
Almost all children’s outdoor and indoor games give
time for learning counting. Especially when there are children at different
ages taking part. Sometimes you have to have the knowledge and skill to be able
to take part. Remember that children always learn what they see as important.
Parents and personal in pre-schools can easy help the
children to learn the pattern of the ten numbers we use. Take all chances to
use big and clear numbers. Don´t miss to use the numbers in your communication
with the small children. “Our house is number 29”, “Your birthday is on the 14th
of June”.
Also, calculators can be used by the small children. I
myself learned a lot of counting and calculating with my mother’s mechanical computing
machine operated by a crank. The problem here is that the baby has to realize
what´s going on. This means that it has to first be training with what´s called
laboratory material in the school. Actually, anything countable. I counted my
mother’s cooking things in the kitchen, but also wooden toys.
We are now talking of simple addition from 0 – 10. Most
children master this rather early. Attending school later on, they are often
treated as if they didn´t understand anything in the math books. Children who
play many board games, often control the counting in the space of 0 – 1000
before entering school.
Subtraction is often a part of the game. You have to
pay taxes in Monopoly, you buy things and so on.
Simple division is also a part of the games. We divide
all children into teams or groups.
Multiplication has often been said a tough thing to
learn, but in the game, they learn it easy. A lot of useful laboratory material
are rather cheap to buy, but can easily be produced in the family. “So, you
want to buy 4 bananas. They are 50 cents each.” Most children like to play
shopkeepers and customers.
The earlier the children meet all forms of math and
the use of math, the more skills and knowledge they build up.
I strongly go for not using math books. Not at home,
but also not in school. There are several reasons for that. Math is to be used
and trained hear and now together with the children. Math is a tool to discover
the world with and to calculate have things really are working. The most
important reason is that the math books underestimate most children, and tell
the rest that they are no good.
Working with our brains to learn something or to use
knowledge or skills, that we already master, there is one slow, carefully and conscious
way. It´s useful when you are trying to learn something or to understand something.
But for normal work it´s useless slow. We need automatic memory functions
supported in our fantastic brain. This part of our brain is unconscious. They
are working like highways with a flying start.
To get your driving license, you re trained until you
have got automatic processes for most of your driving. The idea is that you
have no time for thinking, when a child runs out in front of you. Mastering all
this in a test and the license is yours.
The same goes for walking, running, biking and
counting, but no license.
To add 12 and 23 you need to understand what the
numbers are, the position system with the base of ten they work in and addition
between 0 and 10. Both numbers and also the sum is greater than ten, but you
make it here with simple addition.
A pupil who under many years use the slow method in
his brain, is also slowly telling himself that he is no good compared to
others. In the same manner, it works when they all the time have to pick up the
calculator or ask the teacher to borrow one. The slow pupil will do less work
and is getting more and more behind.
If this pupil had played Yatzy with his family, there
would be addition skills ready.
We measure the automatic processes of mental arithmetic
with speed tests. The tests show if the pupil lacks anything in the knowledge
and skills with mental arithmetic. Rather many pass the school without that
kind of tests. Thereby there is a dangerous lack of information.
Some mental arithmetic knowledge is rare that you get
from playing games. The school must always calculate with that every pupil has
some learning to do when starting school. But please let all children start
where they are, they are individuals. Throw the math book into a museum!
Instead of math books pre-school and school should go
for talking about measuring and calculation to solve problems they find by themselves.
“I wonder how much water we need when we change water in our aquarium”. Adults
around that child gather all in the group and start a discussion. How can we get to know? How do we
measure? When do we do it? We bake a cake och look at the recipe. That
is real math. It´s all around us every day. The body measures, measure of time
and time itself.
But every child has also an own individual development.
In the future, through international cooperation, we must produce good material
for presentations and training for the individuals in all math areas. Place all
on the internet, so it can be reached whenever the pupils want it and need it.
Some is graded into levels coming after each other. But with the possible
choice of the pupil.
Much of that kind of material, films of instructions,
slides with explanations, small apps showing results, is possible to be
produced by older pupils, who thereby get broader knowledge and skills in math.
Later, further analyses will be published in this
Goa the 12th of February 2017 Lennart Warenius
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