måndag 20 februari 2017

Sylvias Fashion Boutique in Colva Beach

Compared to modern  fashion shops in most Western countries Sylvias shop Is very simple. It is also simple compared to many modern shops in the three towns of Goa. But this is the way they look in the local villages close to the beach.

Behind the simple and easy way of meeting the customers is a very competent woman. Like many others, she started with nothing and has today a very popular shop, with customers among both the local indians and the tourists of the season of six months every Winter.

Sylvia is a very hard working woman, supporting a husband, two girls and two boys at school, and a daughter, who will be married next year. With the Indian system of marriage, there are great costs connected with the marriage. To help her mother, the girl works hard in the shop, too.

You easily notice that Sylvia is popular. People all the time stop and say hello and talk.
By talking to her customers, Sylvia learned quite good English. Compared to other shop keepers in our two streets, her English is perfect.
Sylvia has of course, like all mothers great wishes and plans for her children. It includes a good English language, and writing and reading of English for professional use. But in one room for the whole family, you don´t keep so many books.

One language problem for Sylvia, as for any shop keeper her in Goa, is the local dominance of Russians among the the tourists. The Russians speak no or bad English and understanding is sometime hard. I know personally what she tells me. I very often meet the very friendly Russians and we exchange Dobra uta and such phrases, but can´t go on with our communication.
The Germans and the English spoken tourists are fewer today.
If you come to Colva Beach, a stop at Sylvias shop is a must, some three hundred meters north of the crossing of the two roads of Colva Beach. Only 200 m from the beach.

One of the sons and Sylvia.

Lennart was equipped by Sylvia a month ago.

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